A Proud Grandfather
I have only two small grandsons, but I'm proud of them! Alex (9) and Andre (7) live in Sarasota, FL with my daughter Kathy and her husband Steve DeGrenier. They attend Southside Elementary School, like it, and do well as pupils.
The community-minded Sarasota Herald Tribune regularly prints little writings from pupils in the city's schools (in the "Dear Harry" column), and both my grandsons - - thanks to "Dear Harry" - - are now "published authors"!
Alex (4th grade) has been published five times, and now Andre, just starting 2nd grade, has mounted to these lofty bard heights. Here, for posterity, is his master essay:
(The topic was the best and worst thing about going back to school):
Best is Playing with Friends
The worst thing about school is writing a lot. Sometimes your hand might hurt. The best thing is playing with your friends.
- Andre DeGrenier, 2nd Grade, Southside Elementary.
Does that phrase ". . . your hand might hurt." portend a future mighty writer? Or does "Best is playing with Friends" suggest a more gregarious tendency? Keep your antennae tuned - - he is a great kid anyway! And so is Alex.
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